Saturday, July 5, 2008

Beginning Comments and Goals

Since the end of spring semester I've been wanting to run a 5k, and for anyone who knows me, that's a big deal. Brian + running = what the hell?! Also before Lent started, so like February, I weighed about 240lbs., and I decided I needed to make a change in my life. Obviously I lost some weight during the Lenten season, as I gave up sugar, fatty foods, desserts, fast food, all junk food and snacks, Monster, basically anything bad, also I didn't eat meat. These were for Lent only, but the reason for this season is to reflect on your life, see how one care better oneself, and become closer to God. This time period really got me thinking, so when Lent was over I began to eat meat again, but I still tried to keep out the crap food, I ate more fresh foods, salads, and other fruits and vegetables. Towards the end of Lent, about mid-March, I began working out. Mostly all I was doing was heavy biking in the East Area Fitness Center, with occasional trips on the elliptical.

Towards the end of the semester I began running outside. I hated running, but it was something I knew I had to do, and so I did. Reaching my 23rd birthday I knew I wasn't in shape, and if I didn't do anything about it now, I knew I never would. If you've seen my entire family, you would know that weight is a major issue. I don't feel that genes have to be the blame, I'm young and capable, I am going to do this. So I started running with the help and encouragement of my great friends Paul, Liz, and Ashley. I was awful at running, I was out of breath just getting to the other side of campus, and my side would always cramp up, but I stuck with it. I even did 7am runs after working 4-7 shifts at the desk, even on my 23rd birthday, and I felt great. This is when I decided I wanted to run a 5k, and I picked the end of summer to accomplish this goal, September. I knew it was gonna be hard, but it was a concrete goal, one that I knew and had to accomplish. Also by the end of the school year I was about 215lbs., yeah I lost around 25lbs.

So when summer started I kind of stopped working out, seeing that I no longer had the EAFC, but I ride my bike everywhere, and gradually I began running. Thanks to Sarah, Kyle, Nichole, Joe, and Tricia, I have great people to run with. It's usually Sarah that accompanies me and I am gratefully thankful. I like the company as I love to talk while running, and just ask her, I do. I am like a talk radio show. Also during this summer, Sarah started me doing crunches like crazy. At first I couldn't do many, but through her encouragement I am reaching a satisfactory level. Also at the beginning of summer I could only run like 1 mile, not continuously either. Now I try not to settle for anything less than 2 miles continuously, a few times I have even run a full 5k, but only like 2 or 3 times. My goal for the end of summer is to run at least 5 straight miles so that a 5k (3.1 miles) will be like a jog.

So that's where I stand for now. My over all goal is to keep this up, it's more of a life change than anything. When I get this running thing down, I would like to work on muscular endurance, as in I'm weak. Also when the fall semester picks up again, I will return to eat more healthy, as since I have a lack of money and a cupboard full of food, I'm gonna eat what I currently have. If you have any suggestions or comments I would love to hear them, this is something I really want to do, and a goal that is easily in my reach. Also, I plan on keeping a daily log of my eating habits and my workout to make sure that I'm keeping on track. I almost forgot to mention, now that summer is half way through, my current weight is 204lbs., and my goal is to be at 199lbs. without loosing muscle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


<3 ME!