Monday, March 4, 2013

The Countdown

So since tracking about 40 days ago I have lost 20 pounds and just have eight more to go until I meet my goal of 177.  Seeing as I gave myself until the end of tax season to get there it should fairly easy and possible to go past.  It is quite eye opening to track everything you eat, but I feel once Spring arrives I will be free from having to watch as closely what I eat.  Biking to and from work at that point will be a great change of pace as well as keep me to meet my goals for the year.

With that, this Sunday kicks off my running races for the year.  I am actually feeling quite comfortable and prepared for this one.  I only get about 10 minutes a day during lunch to run so can only get in 1.2 miles at a time, but emotionally I feel ready.  Personally I feel running is 60% mental anyways, and that is what I will work on leading up to this Sunday and more importantly October for the half marathon.

I didn't have much to say this time just a snapshot of where I am at and where I am headed.  As for the countdown, 6 days til the 5k, 35 working days til the end of tax season, and 230 days until the Detroit half marathon!

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