Sunday, February 24, 2013

One Month Later

A month ago that silly Wii Fit said I was 205, I didn't want to hear it and decided to make a change.  I watched everything I ate, watched the portions that I took, and chose healthier options whenever I could.  Like I told myself I would, I worked out during lunches and pushed myself to live a healthier life.  As of this morning I have reached 187.8, that's down 17.2 pounds.  That leaves just about 11 pounds to go by the end of tax season in 7 weeks.

In the mean time, I am training for a 5k on March 10th.  It has been some time since I have really ran but have been able to squeeze 10 minutes in a day during my lunches and if it wasn't winter I would be able to get in more after work outside.  Really the 5k is to just get me started for the year.  I have much, much bigger and crazier plans.  By the beginning of Summer I plan on running a 10k as a kickoff to the main event in the Fall.  It may be crazy and I have never ran more than 7 miles, but this September or so I plan on running a HALF MARATHON!

I can hardly believe I am saying it but I am kind of excited.  Lately I have been having more energy and feel like taking these leaps and a half marathon will for sure push my body to the max.  This past week I have been reading lots of tips and plans for training.  First I will get myself through the 5k and then the 10k, from there it will be all half marathon training.  I think one of my largest inspirations is my friend Katherine.  About three years ago I was into running and I got Katherine to join a bit as well.  I fell out of it but she stuck with it and looks amazing.  Just a bit ago Katherine ran her own half marathon and now it has seemed to have lit a fire under me.

Well that is it for now, much to do and excited for it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I meant to comment on this back when you first posted it :-) I am loving this little wheel of inspiration we have going-- you inspire me, I inspire you-- let's keep it going (and inspire some others as well, of course)!

You will totally rock the half marathon; it is so fun to see what your body can do if you train it, treat it right, and get past any mental blocks you might run up against.

Sounds like you are off to a fiery start, but if you ever get into a rut, you know who to call to get your butt back in gear!!