Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Back To Normal, In Biking Terms

Not much change lately besides the weather of course.  Okay so a lot has changed, and I have been able to bike excessively for the first time since September.  already for march i have biked about 65 miles with another week plus to go for the month.  This is already far surpassing my March 2011, in fact I do not believe i biked to work until late April or early May last year.  This week i will be biking to work three times and I am loving it.  The route to work is much more dangerous and busy but the simple fact of not driving and getting exercise is great.  On Saturday I biked for over two hours and then walked around for another four or so hours.  We are for sure being spoiled here in Michigan with these 80 degree temps.  I am trying my best to take full advantage of this as this weekend it is expected to rain and next week will be 50s and 60s, still not bad but also not 80.  Okay I'm off to enjoy the Summer, or Spring as some people like to refer to it.

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