Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Time of Excitement

It is one of the best times of year, pre-Spring and Lent. For me it is a time of great excitement on things to come and a time of deep reflection. I feel this especially true this year as my excitement to get out and bike again is nearly annoying. When the season begins to bike again it will give me time to really think about what is important in life, there is nothing else to think about but the road and what is to come.

This past weekend I picked up my dad's "old" Trek Millennium bike and brought it back with me to Milan, ready for another season. I took it out of the back of my car tonight, put the tire back on, and took it for a small roll. My fingers began to freeze a bit, but the wind brushing against me was one of the most freeing moments that I've felt in quite some time. This past weekend I checked out a few new bikes and got to take them for a stroll out the door, granted I couldn't afford the $600 price tag, but the feeling of freedom was worth it, coat or no coat. The first day I get off from work I'm going out on the road no matter the temperature, sounds like Sunday is going to be an interesting day.

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