Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring, Not Quite Here But Close

Currently sitting outside in shorts and a tee sipping on some almond milk, it feels like Spring and I couldn't be more excited. This might be the best day off of work ever. For the first time in 2011 I went biking outside, didn't do have bad I think either. Went from Milan to Packard in Ann Arbor and back a good 23 miles.

The freedom that two tires on the road is quite possibly the greatest feeling I can think of. It also gave me the chance to stop and check out a few parks. One just south of Ellsworth, Lillie Park, had some trails and a nice look down to a small lake. I couldn't explore the park too much as the bulk of the back trails were still covered with a bit of snow, but for sure will be coming back to check it out. The other park just south of Willis in York Township, Sandra Richardson Park, was much more naturalistic. It is one of those parks that I will need to park the bike and explore the trails into the woods and see what it has to offer. I would have today but the toe shoes and muddy wetness don't go well together.

Next time I go on an extended trip I will go much further into Ann Arbor as they have what i hear to be some nice trails along the Huron River, especially Nichols Arboretum. The main reason i didn't go further today is that I failed at rule number one, I forgot the water. The only downside of the trip that I didn't notice until I was back home for a bit was that I had a flat tire, so somehow I need to figure out how bad it is and how I can fix it because the next time I get a chance and it is nice out the road will be calling me once more!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Time of Excitement

It is one of the best times of year, pre-Spring and Lent. For me it is a time of great excitement on things to come and a time of deep reflection. I feel this especially true this year as my excitement to get out and bike again is nearly annoying. When the season begins to bike again it will give me time to really think about what is important in life, there is nothing else to think about but the road and what is to come.

This past weekend I picked up my dad's "old" Trek Millennium bike and brought it back with me to Milan, ready for another season. I took it out of the back of my car tonight, put the tire back on, and took it for a small roll. My fingers began to freeze a bit, but the wind brushing against me was one of the most freeing moments that I've felt in quite some time. This past weekend I checked out a few new bikes and got to take them for a stroll out the door, granted I couldn't afford the $600 price tag, but the feeling of freedom was worth it, coat or no coat. The first day I get off from work I'm going out on the road no matter the temperature, sounds like Sunday is going to be an interesting day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Inspiration All Around

It must be the people I know, but I'm starting to get really inspired to do some crazy workouts, and with Spring right around the corner I'm beginning to feel those day long bike rides. I'm just gonna keep tell myself that if Colleen, Ellie, Katherine, my dad, and so on are doing it that I am better than them and I will push myself further. Okay so they're better than me, but that isn't going to stop me. Starting next week I'm making it a goal to get some form of 30+ minutes of workout a day, even if it is just a walk. Having a stationary job it is the least I can do. Hopefully I can get back into running again, looking back of that summer of 2008 I'm still surprised on what I was doing and I see no reason why I can get to that point again. A mixture of running and biking could do me some good.

Also to the right of these blog posts you will see the record of my every workout so hopefully this keeps me going and if anyone actually reads this it will keep me on top of my game, either way I'll pretend I have an audience. I'm getting cabin fever and I need to break out and see the world again, less than 20 days til Spring, happy March!