Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dear Wii Fit

Dear Wii Fit,

Thank you for calling me overweight.  I knew I would not like the results after tha past few months have not been that health conscious.  So for the first time in over 3 years I reached over 200 pounds.  Being 205 is not making me smile.  Can I really have gained 25 pounds in four months?  Looks like no more junk food at work for me, just healthy foods with a treat from time to time.  As for going out to eat at Red Robin, or ordering Chinese or getting a pizza, no thanks.  By the end of tax season and in time for my 28th birthday I plan on being back to my post summer weight.

Now besides the above I also need to get back to working out, that has been one important thing that is lacking as of late.  Tax season does not help matters.  However I will try to workout during lunch as well as taking more walks.  Also after work try to find more active activities and play more energetic video games like Wii Fit and Just Dance.  As said in a prior post, this is my fault and no one else.  Currently I am also enrolled in Fundamentals of Human Nutrition so I will be looking more in depth at my habits and work on approving.  I can do this. I will do this.

Yours truly,



Anonymous said...

Anonymous says you should work out with Patrick more.

DarthGummiDucky said...

Hmm I wonder who ever could have written this?