From 80 degrees to near freezing within a week, yes this is definitely Michigan, Spring never ceases to amaze me. Even though I froze my toes and hands off this week I still got three bike trips out of it, so not too bad. Thanks you to Colleen for the warm onesie PJs, so cozy, embarrassing but cozy. So March could have been better for sticking to my goals, I believe I only made half the calls I planned to, most during the first half, but I plan to keep going on my list until it is finished. On the running front I think I missed about 5 days but some days I pushed a bit extra. Yesterday I missed my mile because after biking all day and getting back to my apartment at 10pm I was too frozen to move.

Okay so my goals for April are going to be a bit different but I was sitting at my apartment today and thought really needed to happen this month. It is crazy how I am already to my third month. The first thing, the portion for my mental and I guess my roommate's sanity too is the dishes. If you could see my kitchen you would understand, it doesn't look too bad because they are in neat, orderly piles, but it is ridiculous when you cannot eat certain foods because you are out of bowls, spoons, and forks. It is laziness I know, and that is why for April (and I hope here so after) I will do the dishes every night. No more piles for me, time to get responsible and clean.
So onto my second goal, typical I say one mental and one physical, this month the physical is a bit more mental, actually a lot mental with a touch of physical. For April I plan on doing yoga and meditation every day. It will benefit my breathing, flexibility, and give me an opportunity to think. All these are important to me lately as again I have been working long hours and do not really get a chance to just stop and relax and to think deep. Also as my biking distances increase and with my 5k race coming up in two weeks I need to improve my breathing and relax sore muscles from my increased mobility. I used to do yoga quite often a couple years ago so it will be interesting to get back into it, it will be a chance to step away from myself and see the bigger picture while at the same time looking deep inside and seeing what I should do next. I understand that sounds like a contraindication but for some reason it makes sense.
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