Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"30" Day Challenge February Update

At the beginning of February I started a 30 day challenge that I plan to do for the entire year of 2012. So for the next year every month will bring about a new challenge, not only for physical health but also mental. I'm starting this now in February because it is my most stationary month. I work in an office and since it is busy season it means about 10 hours a day. When I get home I am often exhausted and not really up for being active.

At the beginning of February I started (stopped) doing two things. First since it is an awful habit and doesn't look pleasing, I ceased chewing my nails, so far so good so let's pass that topic. The other and what surprisingly is more difficult is playing 30 minutes of a Wii exercise game; so Just Dance, EA Active 2, Wii Fit. So far I have done this about half the time, so not quite what I was looking for but better than nothing.

Hopefully for the March my motivation improves. Not going to make any excuses, it is time to buck up and start getting results. So if you have any feedback let me know, I'll be gone from Facebook for a while so post here or message me. I'm thinking making a blanket for charity and something with running, I'll keep you posted.

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