A month ago that silly Wii Fit said I was 205, I didn't want to hear it and decided to make a change. I watched everything I ate, watched the portions that I took, and chose healthier options whenever I could. Like I told myself I would, I worked out during lunches and pushed myself to live a healthier life. As of this morning I have reached 187.8, that's down 17.2 pounds. That leaves just about 11 pounds to go by the end of tax season in 7 weeks.
In the mean time, I am training for a 5k on March 10th. It has been some time since I have really ran but have been able to squeeze 10 minutes in a day during my lunches and if it wasn't winter I would be able to get in more after work outside. Really the 5k is to just get me started for the year. I have much, much bigger and crazier plans. By the beginning of Summer I plan on running a 10k as a kickoff to the main event in the Fall. It may be crazy and I have never ran more than 7 miles, but this September or so I plan on running a HALF MARATHON!
I can hardly believe I am saying it but I am kind of excited. Lately I have been having more energy and feel like taking these leaps and a half marathon will for sure push my body to the max. This past week I have been reading lots of tips and plans for training. First I will get myself through the 5k and then the 10k, from there it will be all half marathon training. I think one of my largest inspirations is my friend Katherine. About three years ago I was into running and I got Katherine to join a bit as well. I fell out of it but she stuck with it and looks amazing. Just a bit ago Katherine ran her own half marathon and now it has seemed to have lit a fire under me.
Well that is it for now, much to do and excited for it!