So it has been about two and a half months since my last post, life gets busy and sometimes you don't stay on top of things. My biking has been quite lax lately, haven't biked in about a month. First had mono, then couldn't workout for a bit and the Olympics kept me distracted, then took a week vacation in Florida, and blah blah more excuses. Hoping to get back to it tomorrow to Thursday. Driving up to Traverse City this weekend to great friend so will take my bike and do some great adventuring.

Other then that not much has changed here, just working and doing the daily grind. Okay i did lie, starting today and for the next two months I have decided to be vegan. Not really for any specific reason, more boredom and understanding. I like to try new things and test my body and will power. Already today I saw some yogurt in the fridge at work and I craved for it, now i know how vampires feel. Overall should not be too difficult, but it will require me to stop and think about what I'm putting in my body. Also will give me a chance to try new recipes and better work with the ingredients and find substitutes for what I would normally eat. i already eat vegetables as my staple diet as it is, but now not eating cheese and yogurt as well as drinking milk will be hard. Then there is most processed foods I will be stepping away from and looking closely at labels. I find this as a challenge and adventure that I'm excited to complete (just in time for Halloween)!
Leave some feedback if you have something to say, especially for tips, recipes and whatever else you have. Also the picture above has no purpose except that it is a birthday card within the office that makes me smile and laugh and gets me through the days. Enjoy!