Saturday, October 19, 2013

Another Milestone

About 6 months ago I had the bright idea to sign-up for a half marathon.  Training started well, but over the summer I faltered.  I went up and down and never really seemed to get my groove.  Tomorrow the 20th shall be one interesting day.  Glad to take on this challenge but not sure how I will be able to handle it.  I fully expect to have to partially walk some of it.  I have made piece with this.  It wasn't what I planned but it is what it is.  My goal, and not at all a good one, is to finish in three hours.  if i do better that is great and any slower and i will not be happy.  i guess I should be pleased with even completing so that is what I will push for.  I have so much to say but the nerves are cutting in.  The thing that will get me to the end is race day determination, that or the chocolate milk at the finish line.

Also if you want to track the race my bib number is 16723 and you can go to the following website: