Friday, April 29, 2011

Traverse City or Bust!

Headed up to Traverse City tomorrow and planning to do 20 to 40 miles depending on the conditions of the Leelanau Trails as the TART will be great. It should reach near 60 degrees so it shall be perfect for biking. I'm excited to get to a trail that I haven't been on yet and to get out in the great outdoors again, especially since Ann Arbor is too busy. I've been begging to get some fresh air again, it has been cold and then raining out so I personally need this and cannot wait to get out there and just breathe.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Biking Time! Wrong.

Finished the internship and traveled to Mount Pleasant, perfect time for some biking. Unfortunately Mother Earth disagrees, cold and rainy/four letter word all week. You have to love the spring change over in Michigan. I was all set to throw my bike in the back seat and just wander around the city for a few days, guess I'm going to have to do it all on foot. It is difficult to be active when the forecast doesn't agree with your desires. Rain doesn't bother me as the near freezing temperatures. Guess this post is just a whine fest, oh well, at least I'm out of Ann Arbor for a bit.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh Spring!

So now that spring is in full swing I am quite pleased. In the past 2 weeks I have been able to take about four decent bike trips, which is quite nice seeing how I have a hectic work schedule. Today I plan on doing my longest expedition of 2011 so far, a good 30 to 40 miles. Ann Arbor here I come! Finally going to be able to check out all the parks and trails that I hear people talking about. I love how spring is a time of change, growth and constant motion, it gives me the energy to get up and be active and ignore the winter stagnant feeling. It has been quite some time since biking a trip quite this extensive, but like always it is all mental. One pump of the pedal at a time. Also I found a new GPS exercise tracker, SportPal. It works great on my phone and tells me my distance, time, average speed, max speed, best length at the highest average speed, total climb and decent, and so on. Also has a great map overlay and shows data on each section of the ride. Enough geeky tech stuff for now, I need to prep for this awesome biking trip, Bear Naked granola here I come!